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Re: Case?

Postby simon » Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:00 pm


I have been a bit more busy. Thus the case had to wait.
Well today I have a holiday and have time to tinker. I drilled the holes for the connectors at the backside. Of course one of the holes did not work out very well. :roll: Here are the pictures though.

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Re: Case?

Postby simon » Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:36 pm

And another two photos after sawing but before honeing down. :)


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Re: Case?

Postby simon » Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:23 pm

Here are another two photos. The side parts are almost finished. The big opening is for an 3.5" disk drive. Well, I did not glue it yet but you get an impression. :)


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Re: Case?

Postby netwar » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:10 am

Lookin' snazzy 8-)
edit read your PM
Yea I remember GEM although I never got it because i love the commandline and even right now Im in bash on lynx writing this, I heard a lot of good things about it though.It also seems there is a bit of a resurgence now for it to I remember just about two or three months ago I saw some article about it in hackaday. Have you seen the Plan 9 stuff recently it made me smile "the only OS that is more UNIX than UNIX" it was called. I'll look into it i love putting silly OS's in a hypervisor and loading it to basicly everything in my house with a display.The only early windowing addon i really remember was Desqview
which was ok but great for running multiple DOS windows at once which i did, it kinda died after windows 3.11.

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Re: Case?

Postby simon » Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:44 pm

Thank you! I am trying to do my best. :) The next parts are a bit more tricky as I have to take care about the angles. Espescially the part for the keyboard.

About GEM... I wonder if it would make sense to port CP/M 68k at first. As I understand GEM is only an addon eather for CP/M, DOS or Ataris TOS. With CP/M you would get your shell. ;) I like the idea of playing with "silly OSes". I even considered Minix a while ago. Plan 9 is a very interesting branch but I guess it would be too "big" for Kiwi. I never heard of Desqview. Well when Windows 3.11 was up-to-date I was a very happy Amiga user. Pre-emptive multitasking, superb audio and graphics and superior to the PC in almost every aspect.


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Re: Case?

Postby netwar » Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:31 am

Yea CP/M first but we would need a opensource version of it so as not to entertain the lawyers :roll: If we had a theoretical opensource CP/M putting GEM on it shouldnt be a problem.
Also Plan 9 would work on this but you would need multiple computers to make a complete system so its a little unlikey but still highly possible,although we shouldn't focus on it.

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Re: Case?

Postby simon » Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:01 pm

Isn't there an open source version of CP/M at

This week I didn't make much progress. I had to use a hand scroll-saw. I did two cuts which were not very accurate. So I had to think about a better guidance for the scroll-saw. Yesterday I cut a piece of wood for a new guidance just to realize that it began to bend afterwards. :roll: Well, next week I have x-mas hollydays and have more time than just two hours in the evening. :)


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Re: Case?

Postby netwar » Mon Dec 17, 2012 9:31 pm

Yea I get my holidays starting this Friday, Do be too frustrated by a couple bad cuts your not an experienced pc case manafacturer nor do you have their facilities/tools.
PS Yay Christmas 7days 8hrs at the time of posting :D

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Re: Case?

Postby simon » Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:59 pm

Yeah, I have to live with some bad cuts or bad positioned holes. But overall it works pretty well. The acetone is a glowing beast. :) I used an inection with a small hollow needle to add the acetone. Here are some new photos of my progress. Holydas are good... :)


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Re: Case?

Postby netwar » Wed Dec 19, 2012 6:30 am

I dont see any bad cuts. looks pretty sweet with a keyboard in it sorta like if a commodore and a bbc micro had a child (eg looking real pro 8-) )