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Re: Case?

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:19 pm
by netwar
Yes user access is very important please do not go with plastic tabs.They are impossible to get open, they break after being opened four or five times, and they dont secure the case very well. Plus in the end they only save you about 20-50 cents a case.
Also i like the idea of using ABS plastic plates.It would be pretty bad to finish a prototype and realize they cases aren't sold anymore.Keep pluggin away. 8-)

Re: Case?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:05 am
by simon

I am back after helping my girlfriend to move. :)

Last weekend I got the ABS plastic plates from s-politec. They are very polite and have good experience to advise you. :) I got the plates in "white" which is "computer grey" actually. They even pre-cut my plates. :)
Yesterday I received an old scroll saw as a gift. :) I have done first saw tests with the plastic cases. Well the plastic melted and the blade got stuck. I can't adjust the blade speed but can move the plate with slower progress. Latter helped indeed. Further enhancements could be to put some plastic tape onto the cutting plate. This should help cooling the cutting edge. I did not test this yet. Last but not least the blade might be dull. I try to pick up some new blades today. I will also look for possible milling tools.


Re: Case?

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:36 pm
by simon
I got some new blades for the scroll saw. A first test resulted in a very nice cut. I am still waiting for my 1-flute router. As long as I have to wait, I am working on a 3D CAD model for the case. Here is a very first draft of a part of my design. Not finished yet, but you can get an idea of it. :)

First draft
Gehaeuse1.png (8.68 KiB) Viewed 136077 times


Re: Case?

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:51 am
by netwar
The CAD drawing looks rather nice,did you use google sketch up? about the problem with melting the plastic while cutting it.A while back (3years ago) I had the Nerf machinegun and wanted to make it work the way it was intended plus more( it was supposed to be a 180rpm gun but it was more in the range of 75rpm and the range was advertised at 50 feet but only got about 35) I added a cool and pointless round counter like most people were doing at the time and ramped up the range to 125 feet at 250rpm now thats fire power! but after the mods the already heavy gun was really cubersome so i went about removing the extra decoration junk.My advice is use blue tape(painters tape) to guide the blade easier it will not cut the tape but bounce off it allowing a cleaner edge(for free handing it) also to stop it from melting spray some oil(WD-40) or other lubricant(water works but needs much higher volume) this will give a smoother action and reduce heat from friction. Also it probably does help now that you got newer blades. ;)

ps it kinda looks like the BBC micro

Re: Case?

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:07 am
by simon
Thanks! Yes I did the CAD drawing with sketch up. But I finished it using FreeCAD. Maybe not the best choice, but I want to use native Linux tools where possible. :) Yet I have to insert dimensions before printing and using the drawing to build the case.

netwar wrote:My advice is use blue tape(painters tape) to guide the blade easier it will not cut the tape but bounce off it allowing a cleaner edge(for free handing it) also to stop it from melting spray some oil(WD-40) or other lubricant(water works but needs much higher volume) this will give a smoother action and reduce heat from friction. Also it probably does help now that you got newer blades. ;)

What do you mean by "it will not cut the tape but bounce of it"? I read about tips using such a tape, but when using a scroll saw the tape will be cut and the blade will not bounce. Unfortunately I am missing a (large) sawstop for the scroll saw. Thus I need a quiet hand. :)


Re: Case?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:36 am
by netwar
When I said it will bounce off its like if you had to free hand a straight line and you started drifting to one side the tape will prevent you from continuing a bad cut because the tape spread out over the material will have a linear mechanical advantage from friction with the material but i have never tried this with a scroll saw only dremels,Skill saws(with duct tape) and jigsaws.
+1 Epicness for linux software use
+5% modifier for free Google tools 8-)

Re: Case?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:28 am
by simon
Hi Michael!

I see. :) For long straight cuts I will probably use a circular saw (with duct tape). I still have to get a few tools and can start building next week finally. :) In the end, I need some more experience and practice. So I will simply start...

Thank you! I came across, that adding dimensions and printing is a pain when using FreeCAD. There must be better free CAD tools for Linux (or I am just incompetent :roll: ). Right now, I doesn't care. I will go on with the plan I have.


Re: Case?

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:07 am
by netwar
There are better tools out there that are FOSS but usaually not part of the main or unviersal repositories of Linux/UNIX. Also FOSS stuff tends to be a little clunky in the way of interfaces like if the developer is into GUIs there will be the most archic window or tab system on the other hand if they are a command line fan there will be a million shortcuts and commandline start options. They both suffer poor documentation but work 100% of the time veruses propietary software that works 25% of the time. would be perfect for 3D object modeling but obviously we're not here to debate the trade-offs of OpenSource vs Propietary let alone make tons of CAD drawings :lol:
Experience is the best thing when it comes to working instead of being theoretical so dont be discouraged by messing up a cut. In the words of Nike "Just do It"

Re: Case?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 4:31 am
by netwar
Hey I sent you a pm(just posting a note here were you usually check) i'm going to be gone for a few days.

Re: Case?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:34 am
by simon
Hey Michael,

I got the mail, thanks. See you in a few days. Have a nice trip and enjoy your days off! :)

Hopefully I can finish the case in the next week. :)
