There is a new version. This time with texteditor functionality (textbuffer and scrolling) as well as a menubar. I have started a new thread with the project files in the developer forum, but here is a quick snapshot.
Indeed, I stumbled upon the UI stuff. Too bad that this isn't released yet. Though I wonder, if the 68008 or 68000 is fast enough to cope with an GUI and many tasks. At least the Amiga is but it's AmigaOS was tightly optimized and suited for these old hardware. BTW, I have a new version of my GUI ap...
Hello all Kiwi breeders and friends, it has been a long time. Well, I got other life tasks to do and found a new hobby (amateur radio). But I am back. :-) I wanted to connect the Kiwi with amateur radio and thus I began to write a GUI app. It is far from beeing useful and I am heavily learning c++ w...
This seem to be a BAS signal. This should be fed directly to the SYNCIN. BUT: It doesn't make much sense to me if your signal is (F)BAS already. You might want to read the CXA2075M Datasheet for more detailed information.
SYNCIN is the input for a composite sync signal with TTL level voltage. This signal is generated by the VDP. The 7404 has nothing to do with this signal. I just made my drawing a bit unclear. What I did is to ground every input of unused 7404 gates. Thus they are not flowing around and prevent them ...
With 8-bit-Seas_of_Love for example siddump didn't see the tune ending. Second I found a tune yesterday which stopped playing for a few seconds once in a while. I can't remember which one as I tested quiete a few. I'll proceed my testing and will make notes of problem SIDs.
No problem, Steve. Your dump format has been dumped already. ;) The delta-flags without writing every reg-number again and again work pretty well and save more memory. :) I liked your idea of a header though. What I have in mind is the following: ⋅ Use a spare delta-flag bit (the filter de...
Hi, I have modified SIDDump that it compiles with linux (modfied filelength() to use fstat() und chsize() to use ftruncate()). Some tunes still have problems. I don't know if this is an issue with my modification, the version at all or just the original SID format. In addition I modified my last SID...